Netflix Nigerian Movie Playlist: The Arbitration

the arbitration netflix nigeria

There are stories whose plot hinges on suspense, stories that you must watch till the end to get answers to “what really happened?” and “what the heck is, and has been going on in this movie?” The Arbitration is one of the few movies that has pulled off delivering on the mystery without totally imploding in on itself.

I must say I enjoyed watching this movie. The story was the best part of the movie for me, and it found a way to perfectly capture how different people’s perceptions of the truth can make or break one’s whole world. The cast executed their roles really well, and watching the movie made me miss watching OC Ukeje in Nollywood.

Although the movie was entertaining with twists, turns, and a viral restaurant scene that shocked me and made me fear women, I didn’t understand the ending as “The Truth” gave me the perception that the whole reason for the arbitration in the first place, was based on the wrong case (because sexual assault and rape is a very touchy subject). The reason why I said earlier that the story didn’t ‘totally’ implode in on itself.

I’ll like to hear your thoughts on the ending of The Arbitration if and when you’ve watched it on Netflix.


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