Natalie Dormer Weighs in on Margaery’s Epic Death in Game of Thrones

The 7th and Penultimate season of Game of Thrones has already finished production and episodes of the fabled and widely-loved series will soon hit us as expected. While we are waiting for the many deaths that will happen (as usual) in GOT, Natalie Dormer who played the beautiful Margaery Tyrell looked back on her death in the series – her epic death which involved an explosion and serious wildfire. Here’s what she had to say:

“She went out with a bang, didn’t she? She went out with a bang and you’ve got to give credit to Dan and David—the creators of the show—they just keep coming up with new ways of killing people. I think wildfire was a pretty imaginative. It would have been over quickly. I wouldn’t have wanted Margaery suffering any pain, so.”

Speaking with Mashable, Natalie Dormer also discussed enjoying being on shows with major fandoms. She’s played an iconic Sherlock Holmes character on Elementary and is set to appear in the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda film, which places her in a big fandom once more. Although Game of Thrones ultimately wrote her character off, the actress still seems pretty pleased as punch about getting to be a part of the fantasy drama.