Although Deadpool lives and dies by the endless charisma of its lead character, the supporting cast in Wade Wilson’s origin story is also uniformly excellent. One of the most surprisingly enjoyable performances in the entire movie is Brianna Hildebrand’s portrayal of Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Her take on the young, rough around the edges mutant immediately turned her into one of Hollywood’s most notable up and comers, and we can rest easy knowing that there’s more Negasonic on the way in Deadpool 2.
That said, it turns out that the character should be older, wiser, and more mature (albeit no less punk) when we next see her. Brianna Hildebrand explained:
I do think she will be a lot cooler, based on the wardrobe ideas and stuff. I’m very excited. Just some ideas, nothing that’s concrete or anything. But I think it’s cool that she’s grown and matured and she still has so much of this essence of a punk kid.

Brianna Hildebrand’s recent comments to
Screen Rant suggest the distinct possibility that Negasonic Teenage Warhead will mature quite a bit by the time she returns for
Deadpool 2. Her natural growth as a character (likely coupled with Colossus’ continued mentorship) will turn her into a more fully fleshed out X-Man (X-Woman?) whose style and aesthetic reinforces the idea that she’s still a bit of the punk we all know and love.
We’re not necessarily surprised by this particular revelation. After all, Negasonic Teenage Warhead committed some pretty brutal murders during the events of the first Deadpool. The moment she crushed a group of soldiers between a giant piece of metal and a shipping container pretty much immediately guaranteed that she will always have a bit of a dark side. You don’t stay a child after something like that.
Brianna Hildebrand will have her work cut out for her if she wants to continue stealing scenes as Negasonic in
Deadpool 2. Although she pretty much only had to share the screen with Deadpool and Colossus (“Almost like the studio couldn’t afford another X-Man”), she will part of a much bigger ensemble when the sequel debuts. Between
Zazie Beetz as Domino, and the introduction of Cable (who still hasn’t been cast yet),
Deadpool 2 is very clearly going to bring an army of colorful characters into the equation.
Culled from: Cinemablend