nigerian comics

7 Nigerian Superheroes Inspired by Marvel and DC Characters

Imitation, they say, is the greatest form of flattery and this has held true in…

Why You Should Read Aegis by Epoch Comics

Aegis is a Nigerian comic created by Martin Okonkwo and Emmanuel Ezeabiama, and it's being…

Review of Escape ‘One Shot’ Comic by Manic Rush Works

Escape tells the story of a captain who goes back into enemy territory to save…

Who is Eru? Comic Republic’s Fear Itself

Miwan reviews and talks about a Nigerian comic character dubbed African Ghost Rider, Eru. "Fear…

Transhuman [Nigerian Comic] Chapter 1 and 2 Review

Transhuman is a comic created by Alfred and Enare Ejim and follows the life of…

Download: Transhuman Comic Issue 2

The sequel to the TRANSHUMAN comic book series is out now. TRANSHUMAN is a Sci-fi…

How Strong is Guardian Prime?

Guardian Prime, who has been dubbed the Nigerian Superman, is a superhero being published by Comic…