11 Quotes From The Punisher That Strongly Resonates In Real Life

"The only person you are punishing is yourself."

"Everybody wants to be somebody else. Nobody is happy just to look at themselves in the mirror and see themselves."
"You better take care, take care of yourself."
"The only person you are punishing is yourself."
"We are all lonely. All life is, is trying not to be."
"Internet and social media are goddamn talent shows for assholes."
"You got a life to live and if you don't live it. You might as well be dead."
"I guess I have to leave. I guess I have to take the good when it comes."
"You've been in a hole a long to,e and it has become home."
"That's the problem. Nobody wants to be themselves anymore."
"Then it means they don't have to be responsible."
"I think about it all the time but my conscience is clear."


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